Aram Davtyan

I am a Ph.D. student in the Computer Vision Group at the University of Bern, supervised by Prof. Dr. Paolo Favaro. I received my Specialist degree in Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2020. I also graduated from the Yandex School of Data Analysis in 2018. My topics of interest include Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning and Generative Modeling.


Enabling Visual Composition and Animation in Unsupervised Video Generation

Enabling Visual Composition and Animation in Unsupervised Video Generation

AAAI, 2025

A model to compose and animate scenes from sparse sets of visual features.

Learn the Force We Can: Enabling Sparse Motion Control in Multi-Object Video Generation
Multi-View Unsupervised Image Generation with Cross Attention Guidance

Multi-View Unsupervised Image Generation with Cross Attention Guidance

arXiv, 2023

Single image to novel view synthesis without any supervision.

Efficient Video Prediction via Sparsely Conditioned Flow Matching

Efficient Video Prediction via Sparsely Conditioned Flow Matching

Aram Davtyan, Sepehr Sameni, Paolo Favaro
ICCV, 2023

Conditioning only on a few randomly chosen past frames at each denoising step of flow matching results into a more efficient training procedure.

Controllable Video Generation through Global and Local Motion Dynamics

Controllable Video Generation through Global and Local Motion Dynamics

Aram Davtyan, Paolo Favaro
ECCV, 2022

A model to discover agents' action spaces from a dataset of videos in an unsupervised way. The action spaces are decomposed into global (2D shifts) and local (discrete) actions.